The songs of STU Theatre

Release year: 1978
The CD contains four songs from the play “Patients” after “Master and Małgorzata” Bułhakow, dir. K. Jasiński, staged by the STU Theater from Krakow (1976).
De Blijde Intrede van Kristus in Brussel
The record of musical “Metro”

Release year: 1993
“Metro” – a musical with the music of Janusz Stokłosa, libretto of Agata and Maryna Miklaszewski, directed by Janusz Józefowicz.
The music CD from the performance was honored with the status of a double platinum disc,
and the music was nominated for an american Tony Award in the category “Best Musical Score in the 1991-1992 Season”.
Musical releases in the world:
– Warsaw, Dramatic Theater – January 30, 1991,
– Broadway, Minskoff Theater – April 16, 1992,
– Moscow – 1999,
Until now, more than half a million viewers around the world have seen the musical.
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:
Janusz Stokłosa – theatrical music

Release year: 1994
” Out of five plays that are on this silver record, the music to four has been composed in Vienna and Berlin, and only the one comes from Slowacki Theatre in Cracow.
In his compositions J.Stokosa is as typical as sensitive a child of our times. The mark of modern art is a great mixture of styles – the enormous and all-embracing eclectism. The brain of a composer is like a huge computer loaded with thousands of words, colours and sounds. And now it only depends on the talent and sensitivity of the composer what will be put into the score out of this gigantic “database”.
I especially like all the subtle, at times almost sentimental, Stoklosa’s compositions i.e. “Arie Lejb” or “Fortepian”.
(extract from the review by Jacek Lutomski “Rzeczpospolita”)
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:
Kreatur Theatre – theatrical music

Release year: 1994
The CD contains songs from selected performances of Andrzej Woron’s original theater operating in Berlin in the years 1990 – 2000.
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:
A CD with soundtrack to “Pulapka” film by Arek Drabinski

Release year: 1997
J.Stokłosa- D.Giesing

Release year: 1997
“In 1993 I had a chance to work with J.Stoklosa for the first time. He then composed the music to my staging called “Zmierzch” by I.Babla and from that time on he has become irreplaceable in my work.
I do not know any other composer who, like Stoklosa, could have written music to different texts, enriching them, and at the same time could have conveyed the ideas of director in very personal and stimulating music scores.
What should theatre be like? – “the way to openness”. Janusz follows this way, and this is something that I admire.”
(Dieter Giesing)
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:
Soundtrack to the third part of famous Polish series “Ekstradycja”, directed by Wojciech Wojcik.

Release year: 1999
Choice of themes from ten episodes.
Inspector Halski is fired from the police for destroying exhibits: drugs worth 100 million dollars that belong to mafia which has some links with the Secret Service of the former Soviet Union. The new resident of the syndicate in Poland becomes mysterious Tuwara, and his right hand is a professional killer – Jurij. Sawka helps Halski to get a job in the Government Protection Bureau. Being close to the high officials in the government Halski uncovers a huge corruption scandal. Lives of his close family members are in great danger.
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:
“Piotrus Pan” music from the play for children with libretto of Jeremi Przybora, performed by Warsaw Music Theatre “Roma”

Release year: 2000
“Peter Pan” – a musical with the libretto of Jeremi Przybora directed by Janusz Józefowicz, which premiered in 2000 at the Roma Music Theater in Warsaw.
The performance in 2015 returned to the stage at the Studio Buffo Theater in Warsaw, where it is played to this day.
The musical also premiered in a new staging in 2016 at the Musical Theater in Gdynia.
Stokłosa and Przybora created a duo here almost as perfect as the Duo of Elderly Men, in which Wasowski was responsible for composing.
For someone who is close to the extremely sophisticated and full of allusions wit of these two gentlemen, ironic and full of intertextual references libretto Przybory is a real feast for the spirit. The musicality of the text Przybory (…) has been wonderfully complemented by the varied and referring to many conventions music of Stokłosa. Since the first bars of the overture we are suspended between the world of opera and the world of the musical, and none of the styles is applied quite seriously. This musical distance to both genres perfectly matches the witty treatment of conventions of adventure romance, in which the characters are children. Each of the masterfully instrumented songs and arias (in this aspect cooperation with Krzysztof Herdzin proved invaluable) is a testimony to Stokłosa’s extraordinary sensitivity to the subtleties of the text and extraordinary skill in weaving various musical references with their own original melodic ideas.
Karolina Kolinek-Siechowicz
Musical Movement 2015
Soundtrack to film “Wszyscy Moi Bliscy”, directed by Matej Minač

Release year: 2000
“Wszyscy Moi Bliscy” is a Czech, Slovak and Polish co-production with the big contribution of the last one. Ours are not only the actors (Krzysztof Kolberger, Grazyna Wolszczak, Agnieszka Wagner), co-producers (among others Cezary Pazura, Olaf Lubaszenko), but the composer, too – well known to everyone (musical “Metro”, TV program “MDM”) Janusz Stoklosa. His music is original and his talent not widely used by Polish cinema. We are given here sixteen nicely presented themes out of which some (“Jak szalony jest czas”, “Pojedzmy do rodzicow”) are of great charm. Although Stoklosa does not discover any new lands in the area of film music, he shows here his great professionalism. Especially fascinating are musical miniatures (reminding a bit Nino Rota “Nareszcie w Domu” and “Rynek z Kataryniarzem”) and “pastel”, sleepy impressions. All of these beautifully played by Bratislava Symphonic Orchestra and well recorded in the Warsaw studio.
Recording director – Jarosław Regulski
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop.
Questions and orders:
“Romeo i Julia” – musical

“Romeo i Julia” – musical
Release year: 2004
“Romeo and Juliet” – a musical with lyrics by Jan Wermer, music by Janusz Stokłosa, directed by Janusz Józefowicz.
The world premiere of the performance took place in the Torwar entertainment hall in Warsaw on October 8, 2004.
Premiere in Moscow – 19.11.2014.r
On August 5, 2018, a new, futuristic version of the musical premiered in Toruń – enriched with three-dimensional and water effects. The title of the new production is “Romeo and Juliet 3D on the water”.
Musical is played at the Studio Buffo Theater in Warsaw to this day.
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:

“Polita” – musical
Release year: 2011
“Polita” – musical with libretto by Agata Miklaszewska, music by Janusz Stokłosa, directed by Janusz Józefowicz.
This is the first musical in the history of the theater that uses virtual 3D scenery.
The premiere of the performance took place on December 31, 2011 at Hala Torwar in Warsaw.
The performance also premiered in St. Petersburg (18.12.2013) and in Moscow (17.09.2014).
Musical was awarded the Grand Prix of the Musical Festival in Deagu (South Korea) for the best musical (July 2017)
The show is being played at the Studio Buffo Theater in Warsaw to this day.
The CD is available in Buffo’s shop. Price ~15 Euro.
Questions and orders:

“Master and Margerita” – musical
Release year: 2022
The premiere of the musical took place at the Musical Theater of D. Baduszkowa in Gdynia on 11.09.2021r., and at the Studio Buffo Theater in Warsaw – 29.04.2023r.