He graduated the Department of Theory and History of Music at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow in 1978. He is the author of more than 200 scores for theatre and film. He has worked with a majority of theatres in Poland, composing music for famous directors. Stokłosa debuted in 1976, at the STU Theatre with music written to ‘The Patients’, a play based on M. Bulhakow`s ‘Master and Margerita’ (extracts available on a LP “Songi Teatru STU”). In 1979, on the occasion of the millennium of Brussels, he composed music to the play “De blijde intrede van Christus in Brussel” performed in the Royal Flemish Theatre. The music was recorded and published by AriolaPolydor.
From 1984 to 1990, he held the position of musical director at one of the most prestigious Polish theatres, Ateneum Theatre in Warsaw, where, together with W. Młynarski and J. Józefowicz, he co-created shows “Brel”, “Hemar”, “Wysocki”. Since 1986 until 1991 as a pianist co-operating with the leading Polish artists, Janusz Stokłosa was giving concerts in many countries in Europe and America (USA, Canada).
In 1991, he completed composing music to his first musical ‘METRO’ (lyrics by Agata and Maryna Miklaszewskie, adaptation, direction and choreography by Janusz Józefowicz), first staged in Warsaw, and then at Minskoff Theatre on Broadway and then in Moscow. The music was nominated for a Tony Award. In 1994 it was awarded with the ‘Golden Record’ award, in 1997 – “Platinum Record” and in 1998 with double “Platinum Record”. In 2001 “Metro” was awarded with “Golden Mask” for the best music show in 2000/2001 in Russia. Up till now more than 1750 shows of “Metro” were performed.
Between 1994 and 2001, he was musical director and conductor of a band on a popular TV show, “MdM”, broadcasted on fist chanell of TVP (more than 700 episodes with a music originally elaborated for each one of them).
His next musical – “Peter Pan” (libretto – Jeremi Przybora, direction – Janusz Józefowicz) had its premiere on 27.02.2000 in Roma Theatre in Warsaw.
In 2003, a Czech film with J. Stoklosa’s music “Nicolas Winton – The Power of Good” (director – Matej Minac) received the International Emmy Award. It was the first award of that kind ever given to a movie produced in Eastern Europe.
In 2004, the following were staged: musical “Romeo and Juliet” based on Shakespeares’ play and a music comedy – “Miss Tutli Putli” by Witkacy with his music. The next one was “Polita” realized in 2011 and “Master & Margarita” (2021).
Since 1990, Janusz Stokłosa has been composing music on a regular basis for the leading German, Austrian and Switzerland theatres such as Schaubühne, Volksbühne, Deutsches Theater and Berliner Ensemble in Berlin, Burgtheater and Akademietheater in Vienna and Bremer Theater and Schauspielhaus in Zürich.
From 1990 until 2003, Janusz Stokłosa was a constant composer for Andrej Woron’s Theater am Ufer and Kreatur Theater (Berlin). From 1993 until 2002 he worked with director Dieter Giesing. Since 1990 do 2005 , Janusz Stokłosa has been composing music on a regular basis for the leading German, Austrian and Switzerland theatres such as Schaubühne, Volksbühne, Deutsches Theater and Berliner Ensemble in Berlin, Burgtheater in Vienna.
In 2010, he and his daughter Maria (choreographer and director) created a project colled „Let’s dance Chopin“ a full-length, symphony and contemporary dance interpretation of “Sonata in B minor op.58″ by F. Chopin. The premiere took place on May 18. 2010 in Shanghai as Polish inauguration day for the Expo 2010.*
Together with Janusz Józefowicz, they received the title of “Legend of the Musical” twice – a prestigious distinction awarded by the theater community in Russia (Moscow 2014 and 2018), Grand Prix for the musical “Polita” at the 11th International Musical Festival in South Korea (Deagu 2017).
Silver Gloria Artis Medal – 2012,
Title of Honorary Citizen of Nowy Targ – 2016,
Gloria Artis Gold Medal – 2024.